Local Government
Accessibility: Is your community accessible and inclusive? Does your team understand what access and inclusion mean? Not sure if you can answer yes to these questions, then 30FD is here to help.
How can I help? Through a series of fun, hands-on activities, attendees will gain an understanding of some of the potential barriers faced by people with a disability and learn how they can better help them.
Open and Honest: Our workshops are facilitated by people living with a disability in an open, honest and safe format where any question can be asked without judgement.
“Amazing Delivery of Information, very positive atmosphere, asking questions no problem. Fantastic training experience, thank you”
– Access in Practice Workshop Attendee
Tapping In: Choosing where to invest your budget to get a maximum return on investment is fraught with uncertainty while finding a new or neglected market segment is often business gold. In today’s crowded business world it is becoming harder to find a new niche for your products and services. But what if we told you that there is an ‘untapped’ population who have clear, persistent needs that are not being adequately fulfilled? This population spans the world and includes motivated customers with an estimated disposable income of $54 million (and growing!) Australia wide.
How can I help? Here at 30 Foot Drop we have done the research and we’re ready to share our knowledge on how businesses can begin Tapping In. Come along to one of our workshops to find out more.
Open and Honest: Our workshops are facilitated by people living with a disability in an open, honest and safe format where any question can be asked without judgement.

“Thank you, the information has given me some ideas that we will be able to use in our organisation” – Tapping In Workshop Attendee

Mental Health
Mental Health: As more research is done on mental health, society is discovering that the stigma surrounding mental health issues is doing more damage than the actual medical issue itself. This is due to people not wanting to deal with the issue earlier for fear of it making them look weak.
Lived Experience: With life stories that have many lows followed by amazing achievements, the 30FD team use a mixture of humour and personal experience to explain why our communities Mental Health is everyone's responsibility and how the smallest actions can make a massive difference to someone's life.
Who can benefit?: Anyone! Conducting open and frank talks in schools, sporting and recreational clubs, workplaces or any community can open conversations and remove the stigma of Mental Health struggles.
Group sessions and one on one workshops can be organised.
"The talk was very good, I like how he didn't sugar coat it and talked openly about mental health. It isn't talked about in schools but I think it should be because people just joke about it and I admire Ben's strength to talk in front of people to make a difference" Year 9 student feedbak
Custom Workshops
Not Sure: Do you know that your workplace, community group or school need access, inclusion and mental health awareness help, but unsure of how to do it? With over 5 years of writing and delivering workshops, the team at 30FD can put together the right workshop for your needs.
What type? We can tailor-make your workshop to suit your needs, online, in person or a mixture of both, the 30FD team will make sure the message required is still delivered through any medium used.
No Judgement: We are here to educate and help, contacting us is the first step to understanding disability, access and inclusion and mental health. We will never judge on what you may or may not know or any preconceived beliefs on these subjects. Your awareness is safe in our hands.

“What I learned is that just meeting a standard does not qualify as being
inclusive. Knowing the rules is not the same as understanding the problem.”
– Capel Access in Practice Workshop Attendee