Accessible Tourism
Accessible tourism is about making it easy for all people, irrespective of their age, gender or physical status, to enjoy tourism experiences.
30FD have acknowledged that Accessible Tourism not only makes smart business sense for Tourism Operators but is an urgent need in the community. The team have put together an extensive business case on an Accessible Tourism Pilot Program for the SouthWest region with steps in place to have this program funded and implemented.

Statistics from Accessible Tourism Survey held in Dec 2021
Our first successful step in this bigger picture of Accessible Tourism is having accessibility information available at our fingertips. If you have been somewhere in the Southwest and can leave an accurate accessibility review click on the button below to have this information on your phone's map feature.
Continuing to lobby political parties, private businesses and local councils to have this innovative program implemented is high on the 30FD agenda.
Do you have any thoughts on Accessible Tourism? Contact us below:
Inclusion Summit
Are you finding it hard to engage people with disabilities in your community?
Inclusion Summits provide a way to engage and provide a pathway to genuine relationships with your disability community. Using innovative techniques, interactive activities alongside the lived experience of 30FD team members an Inclusion Summit could be just the unique experience needed for your community.
30FD can design and present the perfect Inclusion Summit to suit your needs.

Co-Design Consultancy
"Co-Design is a process to engage consumers and users of products and services as equal collaborators in the design process"
Involving people with disabilities in the design stages of any changes or addition to the community is imperative to ensure accessible needs are included.
30FD can provide assistance with Disability co-design consultancy in a number of capacities.
Providing co-design panel members
Educating on co-design principles
Consulting on accessibility requirements on existing co-design panels.
Would you like to enquire about Co-design Consultancy? Contact us below: