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The Quad Blog
Educated opinions focusing on Advocacy, Innovation and Education from Ben, our resident quad of 30FD.
Do you have your own thoughts and opinions? Leave a comment for the 30FD team to read and respond.

4 min read
Social Media: Friend or Foe?
I recently had an unpleasant experience online. It wasn’t my first – nor, unfortunately, do I think will it be the last. But it left me...

3 min read
Turbocharging your opinions
Have you ever been playing Uno and your opponent, with one card in their hand, sits smugly looking at your handful of cards thinking...

4 min read
Music the Movie Proves Tone Deaf for our Community
I’ve made no secret that I’m a big music lover, But I’m afraid that doesn’t translate on screen with the upcoming release of Music...

3 min read
Know Your Worth
Freelance consultants. Sole Traders. Creatives, business owners and agencies. All of them have had at one time or another considered how...

3 min read
Don't Make an ASS Out of U and ME
I’ve spoken about the dangers of falling into assumptions before. But what if your assumption literally rested on the knife’s edge of...

3 min read
No One Likes to be Wrong
I don’t know about you, but I used to hate to admit when I was wrong. To me it used to be a sign of weakness, that I was backing down...

3 min read
Self Reflection Before Projection
When you’re standing on stage addressing a paying audience, you really ought to know your subject matter pretty thoroughly. But what if...

3 min read
So you want to be a Professional Speaker?
Professional speaking can often seem a glamorous profession. The bright lights, packed auditoriums and the insatiable feeling of all eyes...

3 min read
Walking the Walk, Talking the Talk
I’ve stumbled across a term recently which I feel perfectly summarises what I try to do every day, as both a professional speaker and...

3 min read
Challenging Your Natural Bias
Picture a typical day. You get up, have breakfast and get ready before dropping the kids to school. Afterwards you decide to swing past...

3 min read
The Hidden Truth Behind Cancel Culture
If you’ve followed me for long enough, you’ll know how much of a social media fan I am. And it’s not because I finally have an avenue to...

2 min read
Confidentiality and the Commission
The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability is approaching its one year anniversary...

4 min read
Levelling the Playing Field for Carers
When you don’t have the same abilities as others to perform simple tasks – like getting ready for the day – there are people in the...

3 min read
My Fun Times Parenting
Raising children is tough. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There are the highs of those warm snuggles, belly laughs, and memories...

3 min read
Coronavirus Consequences
There’s no room for complacency in a post-COVID world. What we’re seeing out of Victoria – and indeed the rest of the world – is that...

2 min read
WE’RE A RESILIENT MOB From my first blog I have sought to help foster and promote community understanding and how we’ve learned to adapt...

3 min read
Disabled Migrants
Discriminatory Migration System Australia’s immigration system is unjust and discriminates against disabled people, frequently excluding...

3 min read
Post Pandemic
Don’t Throw Away the Gains We’ve Made How will our world change after the pandemic? Will we go back to normal and try to forget all of...

3 min read
Employing the Disabled
The Employment Divide Finding meaningful work can be difficult for anyone, but for people with any type of impairment it is much, much...

3 min read
2019 NDIS Review - Where to From Here?
“The nature and speed of rolling out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in the time frames was highly ambitious. While many...

The Year of Dylan
My man, Dylan Alcott. 15 time Grand Slam winner. Four time Olympic gold medallist. First male athlete to ever win a Golden Slam....

Dark side of Hastags
The power of the Hashtag! Anyone that has a social media presence (so, like, 4.2 billion people worldwide!) would have stumbled across...

Re-designing History
Recently I learned the international symbol for disability is getting another makeover. Well, kind of. Just a few years after its first...
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